Questa sembrerebbe la prossima mossa del Principe.
Secondo quanto riportato da Dr.Funkenberry Prince dovrebbe tenere una serie di concerti presso The Forum di Los Angeles.
Ecco il testo completo della notizia:
Prince called into “Lopez Tonight” during the taping of the show earlier today to announce he will be appearing on the show next week and will be performing 21 nights in Los Angeles at The Forum. This is the info we were told.
George Lopez tweeted this earlier: You must watch tonight, TBS @ Midnight – Royalty calls with big announcement!
So, 21 nights…in Los Angeles? At The Forum? Wowsa! Wonder how the shows will be spread around.
We hear the first show will be next week.
More info as it becomes available…
Appena ci saranno notizie più precise aggiornerò questo post.
fonte: dr.funkenberry
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